Me at 199

Me at 199
A journey toward fitness and good health

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sweatin' it, but I actually made it plus some.

Alright! This was a good week. I followed my diet, had a few days where I wasn't super strict. One night a friend of mine came over and we had a few beers (not in my diet plan) and then having had a few I was hungry at about midnight and had about another 1000 calories more food. I would not have done that otherwise. So the next day, I showed it on the scale.

I was sweating that I wasn't going to make my "at least 1.4 pounds per a week goal... at minimum" goal. But here it is Sunday morning at weigh in and I lost 2.0 pounds. Whew!

It feels good to make the weight and to be able to bank an extra .6 pounds.

I have set up a spread sheet to keep track of my weight, and my advances.

I'll post them at the top of the weigh in dates, possibly post them by themselves, that way I can just pull up the results by using the Labels mode of blogger.

Well, I posted a screen shot, and it looks good enough, not great, can't see it unless you have 20/20 vision, but it is there for posterity. Plus I have it on my computer anyway.

See you at 260.6 (260.5 because my bathroom scale only measures in .5 pound increments.) Next Sunday, if not before.

Very Best,


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