Me at 199

Me at 199
A journey toward fitness and good health

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This last weigh in Analysis

As you can see, I started out averaging out less in week 1-3 and have allowed about 500 calories more a day in the past few weeks, slowing my weight loss down. So I need to get it back down to about 2200-2400 calories a day and maybe start walking or swimming a little bit.

Here is the graph that shows my weigh in at 259. I made my 1.4 pound goal but I can see now, that my initial weight loss was easier and it is slowing down. So I did a very amateur analysis of my caloric need per a day. Basically I have been writing down about 70% of the days total estimated caloric intake. Even though I am not taking every single days calories like I want, and even though I would suspect that the days that I am less vigilant to write this down are the days I am eating more food than normal, I can get a good estimation of what I am eating, and knowing that I devised a calculation. But it just does not add up.

Read this. It is an add, but it does explain a bit about the process of limiting calories and the limits of weight loss on just using calorie limits only, (ie I need to start doing more excercises)

After I did my hackney analysis, it is showing me that at this weight loss, I have a need of about 3500 calories a day just to maintain weight. It seems very high, considering what the apps at the bottom of this blog state that I need much less.

I am thinking that in restricting calories for a month, my body has been burning protein (muscle), and dropping some water weight. I know that this initial ten pounds have been easier than the rest of the journey but I have made some changes in my life:
  • I usually am eating much less volume/calories per a day
  • I am much more conscious of what I am putting in my mouth
  • I have a better feeling about my body self image and am going in the right direction
  • I am learning new things everyday on my weight management
All good things. Starting to walk more, and being more active with the less burdensome body weight helps me move more. And there are side benefits already.

On a side note, I weigh 259.5 this morning, what I would expect after a day of cookies and what I discussed on the last weigh in day. So I think I am correct in saying I was actually 259.0 on 5/17/09, not 258.0 .

Have a great day,


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